We turn ideas into brands,

Vosedo - Shape is Your key

How do you create a brand that’s based on a subtle, delicate image, but still stands out enough to grab attention, stay on people’s minds, and stand out from dozens of competitors? Start with a solid strategy and define brand values to make the brand consistent and unique.

Scope :

Client :

Vosedo S.A.

Industry :

ecommerce, retail

Year :


Project type :


The brand is an online store specializing in the sale of underwear, offering products from many leading manufacturers. The offered assortment will be very wide and of high quality, thanks to which each Customer will find there a product corresponding to his individual preferences.

The original design of the store itself and an interesting display of products using aesthetically made and unobtrusive photos with the participation of models will make purchases pleasing to the eye and at the same time be intuitive for customers.

Communication is addressed primarily to women — despite the presence of men's underwear in the assortment, studies confirm that it is mainly women who buy underwear for their men.

These women are modern, sexy, smiling and strong. They live in harmony with themselves, their bodies and make conscious decisions. They feel good when they look good. Underwear perfectly complements their image and significantly raises self-confidence. They expect a diverse and wide offer

Marka to sklep internetowy wyspecjalizowany
w sprzedaży bielizny oferujący produkty wielu wiodących producentów. Oferowany asortyment będzie bardzo szeroki i wysokiej  jakości, dzięki czemu każdy klient znajdzie  tam produkt odpowiadający jego indywidualnym preferencjom. Niebanalny design samego sklepu oraz ciekawa ekspozycja produktów wykorzystujących estetycznie wykonane i nienachalne zdjęcia z udziałem modelek sprawi, iż zakupy będą cieszyły oko będąc zarazem intuicyjne dla klientów. Komunikacja skierowana jest przede wszystkim do kobiet – pomimo obecności w asortymencie również męskiej bielizny, badania potwierdzają, że to głównie kobiety kupują bieliznę swoim mężczyznom.

Kobiety te są nowoczesne, seksowne, uśmiechnięte i silne. Żyją w zgodzie ze sobą, swoim ciałem i podejmują świadome decyzje. Czują się dobrze, gdy wyglądają dobrze. Bielizna idealnie dopełnia ich wizerunek i znacząco podnosi pewność siebie. Oczekują różnorodnej i szerokiej oferty zakupowej, nierzadko bielizny do specjalnych celów, np. sportowej, domowej,  ciążowej, na większe biusty

Vosedo logo sygnet
Vosedo modelki
Vosedo biustonosze
Vosedo Logo
Vosedo konstrukcja

brand assets

brand assets

Vosedo gradient

For marketing creations, for social media, you should create a gradient version with the color #FFB199. The gradient should be built on a scalable 5×5 grid, where the color point #FFB199 can be in the area representing 16% of the entire composition, the color point #F9F0E5 — 24%, and the point #FFFFFF — 60%.

Vosedo paleta kolorystyczna

The main cut of the brand is Aventa in Regular and SemiBold varieties.

Vosedo VSDO logo na czarnym tle
Vosedo wizytówki
Vosedo taśma klejąca

The goal was to show Vosedo as a brand that, as one of the few, provides hard-to-reach larger sizes of underwear. Consistently creating a space of giving value to feminine naturalness.

Vosedo VSDO logo

When choosing the color palette, we had in mind the purchasing experience of the potential Customer. The basic colors - white and black - as pure simplicity became the background of the site. The color associated with Vosedo is supposed to be just as natural. Beige was chosen as a synonym for human beauty.

The resulting branding of the brand aspires to become the audible voice of women. Every one of them. It is also a strengthening of the market situation thanks to the entry of a conscious and strong brand. In all aspects.


Surrounded by a community demolishing glass ceilings, there is still a duplication of schemes that are harmful to women. In contrast, brands focus their own communication on feminine values.

Niebanalny design samego sklepu oraz ciekawa ekspozycja produktów wykorzystujących estetycznie wykonane i nienachalne zdjęcia z udziałem modelek sprawi, iż zakupy będą cieszyły oko będąc zarazem intuicyjne dla klientów.

Efficiency in the field of e-commerce determines the ability to adopt a different perspective. With this in mind, an online store for Vosedo was designed. The design of the site is unobtrusive: it is a tool for pleasant and simple purchases.

Vosedo Ecommerce Design

Women's solidarity in the 21st century is a theme.

Loud, provoking discussion. And especially: needed. Foundations working for women's rights are being established. Increasingly, there is talk of women whose history has gone silent. In this paradigm, change is created. Stereotypes of femininity are being debunked. This is what is sought in naturalness and authenticity. Brands are created that focus on the celebration of these values. Their goal is to break through the still existing schematic beliefs.

Digital Design

Communication strategy

Frontend Development

Web Design

Visual Identity

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