We turn ideas into brands,

D61 Design - Contemporary ideas, timeless design

Creating within industrial design is the main pillar of D61 Design's activities. Experience in creation for other designers corresponds to knowledge of the design industry: its requirements, environment and target. Collaboration on the basis of mutual trust has enabled a creative process that is not restricted. Its basis was Synergy, which accompanied the studio. This is how we developed a branding that expresses the uniqueness of the newly created studio

Scope :

Client :

D61 Design sp. z o.o.

Industry :

design, automotive

Year :


Project type :


Tchaikovsky composed Swan Lake in a space filled with antiques worthy of the name of art. The eclecticism of jazz in Armstrong's performance is due to the richness of colors and sounds with which he surrounded himself.

Creating a design is therefore a responsible task: the final shape is what accompanies the everyday life of each of us. This is the philosophy of D61. This was also the visual identity of the studio.

Creating a visual identity for the newly created studio was a dual task. It was necessary to make a visual identification expressing this philosophy while showing originality in the approach to design by the D61.

D61 is a design studio whose uniqueness lies in the synergistic game of opposites. Projects at the intersection of design and business experience, youth and maturity, tradition and future.

The combination of undeniable contrasts, competence and vision of functional beauty has transformed into a brand with the power to shape the direction in which Polish design follows.


D - 61 : DESIGN


As one of the purposes of identification, a reaction was designated. The recipient after the mere interaction with the newly created studio gains confidence in the implementation of potential cooperation.

Za jeden z celów identyfikacji wyznaczono reakcję. Odbiorca po samej interakcji z nowo powstałym studiem zyskuje pewność co do realizacji potencjalnej współpracy.

Creating a brand identity from scratch is a challenging task to say the least. The visual layer and the overall identification of the studio were to cooperate coherently with the vision of the co-founders. So, to create a brand character that responds to both the assumptions made, as well as expressing the power of the created projects.

Stworzenie tożsamości marki od podstaw jest zadaniem co najmniej wymagającym. Warstwa wizualna oraz całościowa identyfikacja studia miała koherentnie współpracować z wizją współzałożycieli. Tak, aby wykreować charakter marki odpowiadający zarówno na postawione założenia, a także wyrażający siłę tworzonych projektów.

Digital Design

Frontend Development

Web Design

Communication strategy

Visual Identity

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